News: EA Playground Heading To Wii & DS

Electronic Arts reveals exclusive new sports titles for Nintendo systems!

Gaming site IGN have interviewed third-party monolith Electronic Arts about a previously unheard of upcoming title for the Wii and DS. Tentatively titled EA Playground, the Nintendo-focused EA Canada are developing.

Gamers will get to explore a dream playground containing a range of easy to pick up games and collectible rewards. A single-player mode will see you playing your way around the playground, while your mates can also join in for some multi-player action.

The games will obviously utilise the unique DS and Wii methods of controls, and will include Tehtherball, Dodgeball, RC Car racing, Bug Hunt and Spit Balls (controlled via the DS' microphone!) and a good number more. The two separate versions of the title will include a different mix of games, with some unique to each platform.

Four-player is supported on the Wii and DS via wireless and apparently will take no time at all to set up and jump into. Completing games, exploring the playground world and achieving special 'dare challenges' will see you rewarded with virtual stickers to be collected in an album.

Described as "fun for all ages", these titles are probably going to be more kid-orientated than, for example, Wii Sports. More on this intriguing title as it breaks.

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