News: EA Seeking More Ubi Control?

EA have previously insisted that their stake in competitor Ubisoft was completely non-hostile, but they may be going for more of the French publisher.

Electronic Art's 19.7pc buyout of shares in Ubisoft, one of their bigger rivals, last December was one of 2004's most controversial business decisions. And now it appears that gaming's biggest publisher may be after more control.

Yesterday they announced that they may add to their share stake and even seek a place on the board. EA already have the biggest stake of shares in the company, higher than company founders the Guillemot brothers, who own 17.5pc. The Guillemot brothers currently have the highest voting rights at 22.8pc, compared to EA's 20.88pc.

A substantial increase in EA's stake would probably put them above the founders in voting rights, giving them considerate control of the company.

Ubisoft has vowed to fight any advancement by EA which it perceives as hostile.

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