News: Eguchi Is Sure Metroid Wii U Will Happen

Posted 15 Jun 2011 at 05:05 by Ashley Jones
Katsuya Eguchi seems confident that a Metroid game will grace the Wii U at some point.
Since Metroid's revival on the GameCube the series has spawned a number of titles across several Nintendo platforms and according to Nintendo's Katsuya Eguchi it is likely that a Wii U version will be released at some point.
Speaking to Kotaku at E3 last week Mr. Eguchi said that he was sure a Metroid title would happen in the future. The Wii U 'experience' Battle Mii featured Miis dressed in rudimentary Samus Aran costumes, which prompted Kotaku to ask about the franchise. Katsuya Eguchi responded positively and even offered a few ideas about how the controller could be used:
"I can't give you any details now but I'm sure there will be a new Metroid release making use of the new controller, not just to control Samus and her ship but also to give the player a new source of information. Maybe the player is looking at the screen but has the information that they need to defeat the enemy in their hands. You could look through the screen and scan your enemy and find where its weakspot is."