News: Eight Wii EA Sports Games In Development

EA Sports boss Peter Moore has confirmed the existence of eight upcoming EA Sports titles for the Wii!

Ex-Microsoft exec and now EA Sports boss Peter Moore stated the sporty Electronic Arts division has eight Wii games in development, after stating last month how EA Sports needed to increase its focus on casual consumers and Nintendo players.

"I can tell you we now have eight titles in development for the Wii, testament both to the global impact of that console currently in the global marketplace, as well as to our desire to attract more consumers to experience EA Sports games, no matter their experience playing games nor their prowess with a traditional controller."

He also commented on rumours of a new IP from EA Sports, saying that he has been "encouraged" by recent interest, though EA are still a few months away from making any official announcements. Still, eight titles in line for the Wii are no bad thing...

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