News: Eiji Aonuma Interviewed Again!

Posted 31 Mar 2006 at 05:35 by Tom Phillips
Now confirmed to be an April Fool's Day hoax.
Some great new tidbits of information on Twilight Princess, Phantom Hourglass, and the Zelda series in general. Click inside now!
This interview was conducted by well-known Zelda site The Hylia, though as of writing their site is down because of server issues. To clarify, this is not the second/third pieces of the Eiji Aonuma interview with HM Fusion - that has still yet to go online due to rumoured delays by Nintendo themselves. And yes, we are aware how close this is to April Fool's, but we've been told to trust this interview as legit! Now that's straightened out, onto the juicy stuff...
In one of the most comprehensive Zelda interviews for a long time, many subjects were covered. Speaking first on the Revolution compatibility with Twilight Princess, Aonuma said that though it will still be a GameCube title, you'll be abled to play an "enhanced" version of the game on the Revolution console. Using the the system's unique controller will mean battles are transformed into first-person mode, with the player being able to control your sword and shield, as well as to aim your bow, hookshot or boomerang. The amount of force you use with the controller will effect how far or fast items go.
We'll be seeing much more of Ganandorf and Zelda than in previous titles, with the hero pitted against Ganandorf several times throughout the game. We'll even find out just why he is so driven to obtain the Triforce and conquer Hyrule. Aonuma said he didn't want to go into detail about Zelda, but said she had a "very special role", and that she was tied to the character Midna in a unique way. Asked if we would see romance between her and Link, he said that they "do share a relationship in this game. Whether or not the two end up together is another issue altogether." Could it be because one of them won't make it to the end of the game? "No comment," Aonuma replied!
On the subject of other Zelda projects, Aonuma confirmed that the newly announced DS title Phantom Hourglass would be playable at E3, and would be a direct sequel to Wind Waker. He also mentioned that the briefly glimpsed Tingle DS had been cancelled in favour of this game instead.
Speaking of series chronology, despite affirming that Miyamoto didn't want to get bogged down in a rigid timeline to the series, Twilight Princess does take place between Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker. Though it is easy to assume that the introduction of Wind Waker does recap what has happend before, it is not necessarily the plot of Twilight Princess, though Aonuma cryptically said: "the ending will tie into it." Possibly the great flooding of Hyrule?
Asked if he knew about any Zelda characters that would be in Smash Bros. Revolution, he said he expected Zelda, Ganon and Link to return. "There will be more characters. All of them will be from Twilight Princess, though. So unfortunately, I can't reveal anything other than that."
Finally talking about the future of the series, he repeated what has already been said - that Twilight Princess would be the last normal Zelda game. He said he would like in the future to take the series away from the Link vs. Ganon battle over the Triforce, and expand gameplay through the Revolution's controller or DS' stylus. He said he would controversially like to include voices in the next incarnation of Zelda, though Link will probably still remain silent. "We hope at E3 we may be ready to show off a glimpse of that future," he concluded, "or maybe we'll have to hold onto it for another day!"
An incredibly insightful interview indeed, though if it does turn out to be an early April Fool's... we'll let you know.