News: ELSPA Charts

Another week, same old number one. Find out what has happened inside.

Well the charts for the week ending 26th April havn't changed much since the previous week but it may all change next week when The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker is released. For now the same old move around.

1. Metroid Prime (Nintendo)
2. The Sims (Electronic Arts)
3. Super Smash Brothers Melee (Nintendo)
4. Super Monkey Ball 2 (Sega)
5. Super Mario Sunshine (Nintendo)
6. Conflict: Desert Storm (SCI)
7. Resident Evil Zero (Capcom)
8. X-Men 2: Wolverine's Revenge (Activision)
9. Star Wars: Bounty Hunter (LucasArts)
10. Lord Of The Rings � The Two Towers (Electronic Arts)
11. Luigi's Mansion (Nintendo)
12. Sonic Mega Collection (Sega)
13. Star Wars: Rogue Leader (LucasArts)
14. Star Wars: Clone Wars (LucasArts)
15. Resident Evil (Capcom)
16. Rocky (Rage)
17. Mario Party 4 (Nintendo)
18. Fifa 2003 (Electronic Arts)
19. Pikmin (Nintendo)
20. Burnout (Acclaim)

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