News: ELSPA Charts

Find out the latest charts for the week ending 23rd January 2003.

For 'technical reasons' we can not bring you the usual 20-game charts yet but here are the top 10 for this week. We should hopefully have the top 20 soon.

Well the top four do not move this week so this means Nintendo yet again dominate the top three spots. Most other games shift up or down. These games will stay around the same and we may see a few new ones enter but there will be no drastic change until March which is when all the highly anticipated titles are released.

1. Star Fox Adventures (Nintendo)
2. Super Mario Sunshine (Nintendo)
3. Mario Party 4 (Nintendo)
4. James Bond 007: Nightfire (EA)
5. Timesplitters 2 (Edios Interactive)
6. Fifa 2003 (EA)
7. Medal of Honour: Frontline (EA)
8. Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem (Nintendo)
9. Star Wars: Rogue Leader (Lucasarts)
10. Scooby-Doo: Night of 100 Frights (THQ)

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