News: ELSPA Charts

Metroid Prime is still riding high in the charts, find out what else happened for the week ending April 5th.

Not any major changes from last week, with Metroid Prime still at the top we have a new number two, The Sims. Most there has just been moving around, with a few re-entries.

1. Metroid Prime (Nintendo)
2. The Sims (EA)
3. Super Monkey Ball 2 (Sega)
4. Resident Evil Zero (Capcom)
5. Sonic Mega Collection (Sega)
6. Super Mario Sunshine (Nintendo)
7. Lord Of The Rings � The Two Towers (Electronic Arts)
8. Star Wars: Rogue Leader (LucasArts)
9. Super Smash Brothers Melee (Nintendo)
10. Phantasy Star Online: Episode I & II (Sega)
11. Burnout (Acclaim)
12. Rayman 3 (Ubi Soft)
13. Star Fox Adventures (Nintendo)
14. WWE Wrestlemania X8 (THQ)
15. Star Wars: Bounty Hunter (Lucasarts)
16. Mario Party 4 (Nintendo)
17. TimeSplitters 2 (Eidos)
18. Resident Evil (Capcom)
19. Star Wars: Clone Wars (Lucasarts)
20. Rocky (Rage Software)

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