News: Enter the Matrix Ready For Action

The Wachowski brothers dream is about to come reality. But maybe it's all a dream, maybe it's not real...

Enter the Matrix is complete and ready for worldwide release on May 15. The game's release coincides with the opening of the second movie in The Matrix trilogy, The Matrix Reloaded. Dave Perry, President of Shiny, commented on the ground-breaking game which will finally merge the line between movies and gaming.

"Over two years ago, Joel Silver, the producer of 'The Matrix' trilogy, and the Wachowski brothers, the writers and directors, envisioned a new way that Hollywood and the video-game industry could work together. Their concept required Shiny to build a video game containing every single element of the Matrix experience, and it was essential that this groundbreaking game be delivered on time with their movie, so Matrix fans could experience it all at once," said David.
"Today, those objectives have been met, and soon gamers around the world will enjoy the results of this unprecedented collaboration, gaining a unique insight into the Matrix universe."

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