News: Epic Backdown On Revolution Comments

Could the Unreal Engine 3 be heading to Revolution? After branding the Revolution "gimmicky", Epic Games' VP Mark Rein has had a chat from Nintendo's Jim Merrick...

Mark Rein, Vice President of Epic Games, hit gaming news headlines recently when he said that the next generation of games consoles would be "all about the graphics," and saying that Nintendo fans would get "crappy, cheap, I-wish-I-hadn't-bought-it gimmicks" on Revolution.

Apparently Rein has since responded to the offer of a Revolution development kit from Jim Merrick (senior VP of marketing at Nintendo of Europe), with whom he had "a long, very good chat", and has now said that the "Unreal Engine 3 and Nintendo Revolution would be very well suited to each other."

Was Rein told something about Revolution's graphical capability that hasn't been confirmed to the press? When we find out more, we'll let you know.

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