News: Ericsson compete!

Ericsson have announced another upcoming handheld console, should Nintendo worry?

Red Jade is an upcoming handheld console from Ericsson and it boasts 64-bit capabilities.

Ericsson made the announcement to bring back this handheld (once delayed due to financial problems) in Asia last week. They also stated that they hope for a 2003 launch. It will be able to process graphics somewhere between Playstation 1 and the N64. Below are the specs:

  • 64-bit CPU
  • 3D polygon graphics
  • Multi-channel PCM Sounds
  • TFT LCD display, 65536 colors
  • Mobile phone rechargeable battery
  • Blue Tooth technology enable wireless communication between 2 or more machines
  • Download game titles from secured game servers
  • Retail price will be less than US$100 (around �63)

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