News: Euro Stars Bonus Stricken By Disaster

Posted 03 Oct 2008 at 12:16 by Nathan Whincup
A Stars Bonus is now available on the European Nintendo website for Disaster: Day of Crisis.
Planning on buying Disaster: Day of Crisis later this month? Nintendo have just added the title to their Stars Bonus program. Who gives us extra now, Mr. Brown?!
Register your interest for the title in your Club Nintendo account, and if you register the included Stars code within two weeks of the game's release you'll receive another 50 Stars on top of the 250 Stars you get with the game. However, be warned - if you keep registering your interest for several titles but fail to register the code on time, Nintendo will come round to your house and destroy your computer with their proton packs, disabling your access to Stars Bonuses.*
Disaster: Day of Crisis is due out on October 24th in Europe.
*May not be entirely accurate.