News: Europe Getting 3D E3 Videos 'Soon'

Posted 16 Jun 2011 at 18:28 by Stephen Thomson
Europe now has confirmation that the E3 videos will make their way over the pond. Green Lantern trailer will also come to the rest of Europe.
Ever since the US got it's hand on ten different downloadable E3 videos since E3 started, Europe has been left in the dark, with the UK only getting a Green Lantern trailer instead.
The Nintendo Channel Betahas since contacted customer service to find out if the trailers will be made available on the eShop, despite already being on the Nintendo Channel via the Wii. The reply can be seen below.
"The downloadable and promotional content available on Nintendo eShop and its scheduling vary on a regional basis. However, we can confirm that The Green Lantern 3D trailer from Warner Bros is now available in the UK and is coming to additional European markets soon. The E3 special movies will also be coming to consumers in Europe soon."
The list of available trailers to download in the US includes:
- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D
- Mario Kart 3DS
- Luigi's Mansion 2
- Super Mario
- Kid Icarus: Uprising
- Starfox 64
- Animal Crossing 3DS
- Resident Evil: The Mercanaries
- Resident Evil: Revelations