News: Europe Party on October 8th

Posted 11 Aug 2010 at 15:52 by Ashley Jones
Europe joins the Wii Party on October 8th when Nintendo's next board-game inspired title is released.
Wii Party is often described as "Mario Party without Mario," for good reason really. While the gameplay mechanics may be similar to the popular Mario Party series Nintendo have introduced a lot of new features and put the Miis at the centre of the game.
When the game is released in Europe on October 8th gamers will be able to play a variety of modes and over 80 mini-games. We got a chance to play it recently and it was surprisingly fun when played in a group of friends. While several of us thought it would just be a cheapened Mario Party it proved to be a worthwhile game in its own right and no doubt will set the charts ablaze this holiday period. We will have our full impressions up soon.