News: European Cube Clubs
Posted 13 Mar 2002 at 09:55 by Tim Symons
The Cube Clubs are popping up everywhere in Europe! The first one was to be in France. For screens look below.
Prior to launch, Nintendo embarks on a mammoth 42 date, 28 city European tour. The Cube Club Tour will see the full breadth and range of games available on the Nintendo GameCube showcased in these unique events, taking place from early March up until launch. This is a club night with a big difference.
Each Cube Club will have 50 playable Nintendo GameCubes with over 15 software titles including the exclusive launch titles Luigi's Mansion, WaveRace: Blue Storm and Star Wars Rogue Leader Rogue Squadron II, plus a chance to try post-launch games like NBA Courtside 2002, Pikmin and Eternal Darkness. Not only that but the Cube Clubs will offer unique interactive attractions, DJ's and more � making the Cube Club the event not to be missed.
The operation, co-ordinated by Cake in London, will take in European cities from as far north as Glasgow in the UK to as far south at Seville in Spain.
For the Cube Clubs in your country head on over to your local official Nintendo website!

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