News: European Okami Release Date Brought Forward

It's official � Europe exists! Capcom has decided to bring the European version of Okami forward by seven days�

Us Europeans get shafted when it comes to media releases, sometimes to the point where people decide it's best to just import, as has been the case with many gamers eager to play Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Well, it doesn't cover up the wait behind the American and Japanese releases of the game, but Okami's European release date has been brought forward from 13 June to 6 June.

The wait is now just 15 days � can you feel the excitement? Team N-Europe can! If you're a little uninformed about the game, we'd recommend reading our recent preview of the game. But then we would say that, wouldn't we?

Thanks to N-Europe forums user welsh_gamer for the tip!

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