News: European Retailers Discuss 3DS Stock

Posted 03 Mar 2011 at 07:02 by Ashley Jones
While Nintendo refuse to give country-specific figures several European retailers have spoken about their stock level concerns.
With the release of the 3DS just a few weeks away in Europe many fans are looking forward to picking up their console but retailers have a bigger issue on their hand - stock levels. After the phenomenal success of the DS and Wii, which were both sold out for several consecutive Christmas periods, retailers are worried that they will suffer the same fate with the 3DS.
While Nintendo will not supply a break down of which countries will receive what level of stock retailers have been speaking to and it seems that various locations will receive different stock levels. German retailers seem to be hit the worst as they have been told to prepare for units in the "maximum mid-five figure range," with larger stores only getting around 100 consoles each.
German retailers currently seem under-informed about what to expect in terms of shipment numbers. One retailer told "as usual with hardware launches, we are expecting less - rather than more - units on day one." Another retailer stated: "It is understandable that Nintendo is pretty quiet in marketing in order not to overheat expectations. They probably think that the initial shipment will be completely sold out to hardcore gamers who already know the product."
In the UK retailers are suggesting that Nintendo will ship in excess of 185,000 units, more than the amount of units shipped for the Sony PSP back in 2005. A GAME spokesperson told "There seems to be enough stock for launch - but if everybody who is excited about the product buys it, there probably will be stores (not just GAME or gamestation) that sell out. We're expecting queues for the launch of the 3DS, both for GAME and gamestation stories, when they open. The 3DS... has the potential for a huge following, and therefore a huge sell-through."
Addressing the launch of the 3DS Thomas Adler, head of sales for the retail chain Media Markt Bayreuth, noted that at the launch of the DS sales started relatively slow. He feels that in terms of the 3DS "important titles are missing," and as such "the high fixed pricing and the competitive situation with the iPhone and iPad...I think this situation is very, very dangerous for Nintendo."