News: Even More Mario Kart DS Info!

Posted 13 Oct 2005 at 07:30 by Tom Phillips
You thought you knew everything about Mario Kart DS? Nintendo still have plenty of details to give away, and we've got them inside... New details on the DS incarnation of Mario Kart are hitting the net all the time, so we've rounded up the latest for you!
- New weapons to the franchise include the ink splatter, which fills opponents screens with opaque goop, and the new Bullet Bill weapon, where your Kart is temporarily turned into Bullet Bill - you lose control of your kart, but automatically smash opponents out of the way (kind of like the Chain Chomp weapon in Double Dash?)
- New courses include Puku Puku Beach (filled with crabs that must be avoided), a Luigi's Mansion track, the Eight Cross Circuit (unsuprisingly shaped like a figure of eight) and Yoshi Falls (which features sloped courses to make falling off easy).
- Controls via the D-Pad have been made to feel similar to Mario Kart 64's handling, and apparently compare evenly with analogue control.
- The "Jump" feature (missing from Double Dash) is back. Also returning is the opponent slip stream feature.
- More Kart variety - choose from slow, super heavyweight cars to faster but lighter vehicles. More detailed stats than ever before are avilable on the karts before the race, eg. how long it takes to recover on a bad turn or how easy it is to steer.
- Custom 32x32 Kart decals, which will be shown in multiplayer and wi-fi.
- A whopping 60 spaces for people on your buddy list. Racing them locally automatically adds them, otherwise users can be added manually by simply entering their player code.
- Time Trial, plus multiplayer modes Balloon Battle and Shine Thief return!
- New single player mode "Mission Run" debuts, where the player is given specific tasks to complete on your laps round the track - for example racing through a slalom of gates or destroying level enemies.
- 2-8 players can take part simultaneously in local wi-fi play - though players who are taking part only via DS Download play (ie. who do not own a copy of the game theirselves) must play as Shy Guy!
- DS Download Play is limited to 100 cc engine class, though local multi-card local play is fully customisable - no limits on character or track choice.
- All player's win/loss ratios are saved and tracked, plus ghost data can be traded wirelessly, allowing you to race against your mate's best times!
- Online, 2-4 players can play against each other (8 player not available).
- Online choice of opponents: Friends Only (players registered as Friends), Rivals (players with similar skills, found via an online matchmaker), Recent Opponents, Regional Racers (players in your country), World Racers (players anywhere in the world).
- Online, there's no limit to the choice of course, and it is chosen by players voting for a course. The track with the most votes wins (in the event of a tie, a random course is played).