News: Even More New Zelda Screens and Info!

Posted 28 Apr 2005 at 01:41 by Ashley Jones
Was the last bunch of Zelda scans and information released a few days just not enough for you? Then rejoice, as we have more!
Popular magazine Electronic Gaming Monthly have managed to have a hands-on play with the latest Zelda title, and weren't afraid to tell us all how it went. The magazine is in American stores now, so we suggest you get your hands on it.
Looking at the cover reveals some of the beautiful artwork for the game which reflects the more "adult" aspect of this game. It has already caused quite a lot of speculation, mainly regarding the figure behind Link. There has been many suggestions, such as it being an evil version of Link, but a lot of focus has been put onto the design on the back of the cloak. Just above Link's sword you can see on the cloak something that looks similar to an eye. Fans of the series will remember that this pattern was seen on Sheik, which is how Zelda dressed up in Ocarina of Time to aid Link.
Speaking of the lovely Zelda, some artwork has been shown. As EGM have pointed out she now sports shoulder pads and a sword, so perhaps she will be fighting within this new game.

EGM also go into a lot of detail about the game based on their experiences of playing it. While you will have to buy it to find out exactly what they said we can highlight some of the key things they talked about.
The controller set up will be familiar to people who have played the previous 3D Zelda games. The 'L' button targets enemies, while the 'B' button will unleash an attack, dependant upon which direction the analogue stick is moved in. However in this game players can swipe their sword without stopping, and can also use the 'A' button for a jumping downward thrust to finish off enemies they have knocked over.
Chicken-gliding makes a welcome return (although the RSCPA may not be so welcoming) in this game. Similar to Ocarina of Time Link must grab hold of a chicken and jump off a tall building to glide into previously unreachable areas.
An interesting titbit was released by Aonuma about the horseback fights. It turns out in the final game Link will be able to steal some of his enemies’ rides, which means we could see Link riding one of the battle-boars featured in the screenshots. It seems that Link will be donning his horse for a lot of this game, as speed is vital for crossing the huge levels.
EGM state that horseback fighting is very easy and smooth to do, which is useful as it seems to be a large part of this game. It also seems to be used in several ways, from simple fighting enemies to a chase against a baddie, which requires players to beat the enemy, avoid his minions and make sure he keeps up enough speed to jump obstacles. You have to feel sorry for the horse really, being put under so much pressure.
There is of course a lot more information in the June edition of EGM, but you will have to buy it yourself to find out. For now however enjoy the latest batch of screens, thanks to EGM and Jeux-France.
The official artwork for Link, Zelda and the artwork used for the EGM cover have been released. Admire them in all their beauty below.