News: Evil Never Looked So Good

Posted 13 Feb 2004 at 20:04 by guest
Remember the news we brought you concerning the playable build of Resident Evil 4? Well, today we have images and gameplay details of that very build- and flippin' eck- we're in heaven. REad on!
A few weeks ago we reported that Capcom showcased a playable build of Resident Evil 4 at a company conference- and American mag "gameinformer" have got their hands on that very code! Today we bring you gameplay details discovered by the "gameinformer" team- and images of the title, which are frankly, stunning. And by stunning, we mean stunning.
The zombie-filled journey can be viewed from three different perspectives- two of which are third-person, with one being zoomed in to Leon- the main character (Who in these screens, is looking pretty sexy, if I may say so myself). The third is from a first-person perspective- not unlike Goldeneye or XIII. It also emerged that the game is designed for widescreen- so if your television doesn't support said feature, you'll view the game through a smaller section of your television- kind of like on DVDs. The controls are similar to the previous Resident Evil titles- with the "R" button used for aiming your gun, and the "A" button for shooting. However, a Zelda-esque action button now features- which enables Leon to interact with the environment at given times such as climbing through windows and the like.
Veteran Resi fans will be disappointed- the old-style zombies have been banished back to their graves- as RE4 features DIY-tool-toting villagers hungry for your blood. The famous door-opening sequence has copped-it, which is sure to upset the "old skool" zombie-hunters. We are also informed that old characters will return- as will the various heart-in-your-mouth traps seen in previous incarnations of the popular franchise. Enemies now have several hit-points for more realistic injuries- such as shooting them in the leg leads to the villager limping.
RE4 is also weapon aplenty- with Leon utilising sniper rifles and grenades among others (not forgetting his trusty binoculars!)- and the enemies toting various sharp implements including axes and pitchforks, and pleasingly, chainsaws (check the images!). Leon will also have the ability to drive a boat, if needed- which is sure to be a jolly ol' laugh.
Well, it seems RE4 is set to be one corker of a game if these details are anything to go by- and the title is looking absolutely amazing in all it's gore-filled glory. Roll on 2005.
The images had to be removed due to copyright issues. You can see the images next month in the new issue of GameInformer.