Game Zero

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An ex-boss at Rare has returned to the Gamecube to work on a new game!

The UK developer Zoonami have announced that they will be making a game for the Nintendo Gamecube. The head of Zoonami is none other than Martin Holls, who was the head of the development projects for GoldenEye and Perfect Dark.

The title has been in development for a while and is rumoured to be a sci-fi game. The game's working title is 'Game Zero', that sound familar to anyone?

UPDATE (by Jan):
Well, it's not even a hint about the game, heck I have no idea what to call it but you might still be interested. Take a look at the Zoonami Products Page for a mysterious Paper describing the Game ;-)
The Site also denies some rumors about the game here.
Wow this could turn out really interesting.

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