News: Excitebots Has 6-Player Wi-Fi, Pie Throwing

Posted 03 Mar 2009 at 10:56 by Nathan Whincup
More Excitebots details have emerged, including a confirmation of Wi-Fi, and... mid-race pie-throwing distractions. Boxart after the jump...
A little digging around following Nintendo's surprising yet welcome announcement of Excitebots: Trick Racing has yielded some new details relating to the follow-up to 2007's Excite Truck, which will indeed be developed by Monster Games again.
With the boxart materialising out of retail listings, the first thing most people will notice is the little blue Wi-Fi logo in the top-left corner of the cover. Answering the prayers of fans everywhere, Excitebots will feature 6-player online races, sure to provide brilliantly madcap entertainment despite not quite matching up to Mario Kart Wii's 12-player races.
Also elaborating on Nintendo's promise of minigames, the product description for Excitebots: Trick Racing reveals that we'll be lobbing pies, playing poker and shooting goals during races. Apparently, we won't believe our own eyes.
You haven't lived until you've seen a robotic turtle with wheels whizzing over the Moai heads of Easter Island. Wait, what?
Excitebots: Trick Racing is slated for an April 20th release in North America, with a European release yet to be announced.