News: Excitebots Looking Less Likely For Europe

Posted 19 May 2009 at 08:35 by Aaron Clegg
Europeans enter cautiously: this is not great news...
Not long after receiving some very good news about one confirmed Wii game for Europe, Nintendo has to come along and burst our bubble. ExciteBots: Trick Racing released in America last month, and no doubt in part thanks to the very little marketing by NoA, the title only managed to scrape a meagre 13,000 copies sold by the end of April, although these numbers were for little more than a week.
Now it seems like the sequel to fan-favourite Excite Truck may not even see a European release to make up those numbers. Nintendo of Europe has previously been mute on the subject of the game, but spokesperson has recently broke the silence. While NoE hasn't flat-out denied the ExciteBots will ever see a release in Europe, the clear message was that "there are no specific plans right now".
On top of that, recently Nintendo released their financial results for the last fiscal year and in the 2009 European release list, ExciteBots was nowhere to be seen, although the list might not be complete.
Nintendo are known for their surprising, on-the-spot decisions when it comes to announcing dates, so we have to hope that ExciteBots doesn't get lost in time and we do hear more soon.
With the Disaster and Fatal Frame situations still fresh in gamers' memories and now this, it does beg the question of how Nintendo actually deals with the usually-rational process of releasing one's own games.
Whatever happens we will have an ExciteBots: Trick Racing review for you soon, even if it's only to help importers decide.