News: Famicom Mini Selling Well!

Posted 04 Apr 2004 at 22:53 by Iun Hockley
Famicom Mini nears 1 million units sold in Japan!
Precise figures aren't available at the moment, but the word from Japan is that the GBA Famicom mini series has sold in excess of 900,000 units since its' release in february!
The Famicom Mini series -due to ship in the USA on the 7th of June, is a collection of NES games on individual GBA cartridges that sell for a low price point. The series was introduced as a celebration of the 20 year anniversary of the Famicom -NES to Westerners.
No further news on a release in Europe, but if this sells well in the United States, we could perhaps hope for a release sometime at the end of Summer. But there will be no breath-holding here.