News: Famitsu Poll On 2006

Japanese gaming magazine Famitsu have polled their readers on what systems they're most looking forward to this year. Head inside for the results!

2006 promises to be quite a year for gaming, with the introduction of the Revolution and PS3, not to mention the DS Lite. Famitsu have polled 113 retailers, 47 developers, and 370 gamers on their thoughts for the year ahead.

Most Anticipated Games Machine in 2006
Sony PS3

    53.7% of developers
    56.9% of retailers
    46.3% of gamers


    41.4% of developers
    43.9% of retailers
    45.8% of gamers

Xbox 360

    2.4% of developers
    1.7% of retailers
    7.9% of gamers

Number One Games Platform in 2006 (Developer's pick)

    Nintendo DS - 49.9%
    Sony PS3 - 16.7%
    Revolution - 10.0%
    Sony PSP - 5.0%
    Xbox 360 - 1.7%

Number One Games Platform in 2006 (Retailer's pick)

    Nintendo DS - 38.3%
    Sony PS3 - 31.5%
    Revolution - 12.3%
    Sony PSP/Xbox 360 - 1.7%

Overall Top Platform (Gamer's pick)

    Sony PS3 - 40.3%
    Nintendo DS - 32.6%
    Sony PS2 - 11.8%
    Revolution - 11.5%
    Xbox 360 - 2.5%
    Sony PSP - 0.3%

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