News: Famitsu Scores for 3DS Launch Titles

Posted 23 Feb 2011 at 06:41 by Ashley Jones
The revered Japanese gaming magazine has reviewed the 3DS launch line up and given some impressive scores.
The Japanese gaming publication Famitsu is known throughout the gaming industry and many use their review scores to provide an early indication of whether or not a game will be worth purchasing. Every game is reviewed by four reviewers who each give the title a mark out of ten, which then results in an overall score out of forty.
With the Japanese launch of the 3DS just days away Nintendo Everything is reporting that Famitsu's reviews of the 3DS launch line up are largely favourable. The title that received the highest rating is nintendogs + cats with scores of 10/9/9/10.
nintendogs + cats (3DS) � 10/9/9/10
Samurai Warriors: Chronicles (3DS) � 9/9/8/8
Super Street Fighter IV 3D (3DS) � 9/8/8/9
PES 2011 3D (3DS) � 8/8/8/8
Professor Layton and the Mask or Miracle (3DS) � 8/8/8/8
Ridge Racer 3D (3DS) � 8/8/7/9
Super Monkey Ball 3D (3DS) � 9/8/8/7
Shanghai 3D Cube (3DS) � 7/7/7/5
Combat of Giants: Dinosaurs 3D (3DS) � 6/6/6/6
Puzzle Bobble 3D (3DS) � 6/6/6/6