News: Famitsu Scores Pokémon & Goldeneye

Japanese gaming magazine Famitsu gives Pokémon XD and Goldeneye DS the once over, but do they stand up to scratch?

The Cube's upcoming big Pokémon RPG, "Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness", has scored 29/40 in Famitsu. Four reviewers scored the game 8/7/7/7 out of ten respectively. Compare this to the game's predecessor, Colosseum, getting 33/40 (8/9/8/8) and a gold award, is this an early indication the game isn't as good?

Still, 29/40 isn't bad, and beat Goldeneye DS, which was reviewed in the same issue. It recieved mixed reviews of 6/4/7/5, which worked out as 22/40.

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