News: Fatal Frame 2, Rhythm Tengoku For Wii

Nintendo brings two more iterations of key franchises to keep the Wii wagon rollin'...

Buried under the splurge of 3DS launch info, there was also quite a bit of Wii happenings in Japan. Confirmed at the conference was a Wii remake of Fatal Frame 2, to be developed by Koei and Tecmo Games, and published by Nintendo last year. Nintendo infamously brought Fatal Frame IV to the Wii in 2008, yet never released it outside of Japan.

Check out more screens for the snazzy-looking remake over in the gallery

Also revealed was Rhythm Tengoku on Wii. The zany rhythm-action game was released to critical acclaim on DS last year as Rhythm Paradise.

New footage for several first and third party Wii games was put together in a montage.

Finally, it was confirmed that The Last Story will release in Japan on January 27th, with no western release pledged as of yet.

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