News: Faulty Freeloaders? *

Apparently there are 2 Versions of the Freeloader out now: Version 1.04 and Version 1.06b.

The people who were so "lucky" to get their Freeloaders with the first shipment of Datel have likely gotten Version 1.04. Other which have ordered via third party retailers like goblin direct or other online shops seem to get version 1.06b Freeloaders.

We could not confirm this personally, but German import-site reports that 1.06b was tested by them with RE0, MP and AC without any of the problems described in our forums by users of the 1.04 version.

UPDATE: Datel Statement

Datel has contacted Cube-Europe informing us of what exactly is true and not true of the rumours floating the web concerning the different Freeloader versions. This is what they said:

Version 1.04 shipped last weekend, we've since heard reports from a handful of users who have suffered poor gameplay performance during Resident Evil Zero. While we can't guarantee how games will perform once loaded through FreeLoader, I do have good news. While developing FreeLoader for incorporating into Action Replay, we found that Resident Evil Zero plays fine with the new version of FreeLoader, 1.06.

Only a limited number of 1.04's went out, and we are now offering those people a free upgrade if they're having problems with Resident Evil Zero. Please visit for more details. As far as we can tell through testing, all other games load and play fine on 1.04, including Metroid Prime and Animal Crossing.

In short, if you own Resident Evil Zero USA and want to play it on a PAL 'Cube, you need version 1.06. If you don't own that game, 1.04 will work fine with your other games.

If you own Resident Evil Zero NTSC and are at all unsure about ordering, all orders sent out from are v1.06.

By the way, the people who are saying they have a "version 1.0" are looking at the version number of their instruction manual! The version number of your FreeLoader software is only visible on the underside (silver side) of the disc, and on screen (top right corner).

On the codejunkies forum, they have posted a message saying that you can return Freeloader V1.04 for a free replacemt of V1.06.

The address to send v1.04 is:
Customer Services Dept, Datel Ltd, Stafford Road, Stone, Staffs ST15 0DG.

You must include a self, stamped addressed envelope.

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