News: FIFA 13 Coming to Wii, 3DS, Likely Wii U

Posted 15 May 2012 at 15:59 by Aaron Clegg
The next FIFA title looks set to spread across three Nintendo platforms...
EA has confirmed (via ONM) that the next FIFA title will be landing on both Wii and 3DS this autumn. FIFA 13 is expected to be very much a refinement of the winning formula that gave last year's version critical and commercial success.
However, whilst the publisher has not explicitly announced it, Eurogamer has reported that FIFA 13 is also being developed for Wii U, adding only that it is being worked on by a different team to the main version.
EA lauded the Wii U controller last year with respect to how it could revolutionise sports games, so it will be no surprise to see the likes of FIFA and Madden feature prominently on the system.
Expect FIFA 13 to release, at least on Wii and 3DS, early this autumn.