News: Final Bit.Trip Teaser

Posted 29 Nov 2010 at 22:05 by Ashley Jones
When asked about the final title in the Bit.Trip series Gajin Games responded with a cryptic teaser.
The WiiWare Bit.Trip series is soon drawing to a close. Bit.Trip Fate was released last month and the newest title is currently in the works and Gajin Games have stated in the past that it would be the final one.
While nothing has officially been confirmed the name Bit.Trip Flux has popped up online in various places. Nintendo Life recently asked Alex Neuse from Gajin Games about it and he responded with the following:
A lesson is learned.
Life is.
There is no death.
There is no before.
There is no after.
All is in flux.
The riddle certainly fits in with the series' psychological issues but fails to give any definite information. Stay tuned for more information as it beaks.