News: Final Fanatasy CC Footage!
Posted 14 Aug 2002 at 19:19 by Tim Symons
We have the first footage of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles for the GameCube!
Nintendo Commercial (4Mb)
Just the FF part (400 Kbytes)

Actually I should not tell you this because it will cost us a lot of bandwidth... oh well here goes nothing!
Nintendo of Japan has aired a new commercial and it contains the first ever footage of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles for the GameCube!! The footage is only a couple of seconds long but it does give you a slight feel of the game.
We have the commercial available in two different version. We have the complete commercial (4 Mb) and just the Final Fantasy part (400 Kbyte). I recommend downloading the entire commercial, it is one of the best ever!
Just the FF part (400 Kbytes)
And here are some screens taken from the commercial: