News: Final Fantasy IV Release Date

Posted 18 Sep 2007 at 12:07 by Nathan Whincup
The remake of the popular Square-Enix RPG classic is given a Japanese release date.
Earlier this year, Square-Enix released Final Fantasy III for the DS; a complete remake of the Famicom classic that was never released in the West. With 3D graphics, an expanded storyline and Wi-Fi features, Final Fantasy III was the perfect addition to any FF fan's collection.
Square-Enix are continuing their fantastic support of Nintendo's consoles by releasing a remake of Final Fantasy IV for the DS, which was originally remade for the GBA. The new version will utilise the Final Fantasy III engine and will include new content, including the 3/4 of the Super Famicom version's script that was left out of the original game. Click here to see new scans of the game.
Square-Enix have revealed the Japanese release date to be December 20th 2007. No European or American dates have been revealed as of yet.
Stay tuned to N-Europe for the latest on Final Fantasy IV DS.