News: Final Fantasy Races
Posted 27 Jun 2003 at 13:20 by Ashley Jones
The races in Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles have been announced, including pictures!

A while ago it was announced that in Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles players could choose their main characters race. Now details of each of the races have been announced.
There will be four races; Clavat, Lilty, Selkie and Yuke. More information can be found below.
- Clavat- Clavats are a human like race who have a mild personality.
- Lilty- The Lilty race excel in strenght and excellent fighters
- Selkie- The Selkie race are known to be self-centered. They are however a very speedy race
- Yuke- The Yuke race may be small in height but the have the power to weild magic as they are wizards and sorcerers. They excel in wisdom.
Each race has eight different costumes, the races and their costumes can be found below. Thanks to The Magic Box for hosting the image.