News: First Wii Modern Warfare 3 Footage

Posted 08 Nov 2011 at 12:00 by guest
First Wii footage of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 hits in the internet, however the UK release has been inexplicably delayed.
As has become the tradition now with Activision's Call of Duty franchise, no official information on the Wii version comes to light before (or even after) release day. Leaving Wii enthusiasts to depend on leaked information and the games actual release before getting a glimpse of what their version looks or plays like.
While however despite todays global release of the game it seems the European Wii version has been delayed a few days till this Friday the 11th. Meanwhile the Wii version did indeed release today in the US and Australia alongside the HD versions on other consoles. And with the release in those areas Youtube videos of the game running on Wii have now begun to appear. Below is quite possibly the first such videos found.
Thanks to N-E fourm member Zechs for the video tip.
Thanks to N-E forum member edzza for the video tip.
And if you are planning on getting the Wii version of MW3 don't forget the N-E forums has a friendly and helpful online gaming community that you may want to check out.