News: Five New WiiWare, VC & DSiWare

Stuck inside this sunny weekend? Never fear, as this week sees two Virtual Console releases, two new WiiWare titles and a DSiWare game to boot.

Maxis and Hudson's SimEarth: The Living Earth gives gamers the chance to build a world how they wish in this simulation game from the Turbografx era. Available for 800 points, it joins Sega's classic Altered Beast, the arcade version, which means it's available for a little more - 900 points.

WiiWare this week sees the summery release of Hudson's Water Warfare, allowing you to shoot up your friends hippie stylee (no, not with drugs, with water pistols silly). Impressively it features eight-player online play, and is available for 800 points. Yet another Bubble Bobble title rounds off the WiiWare releases this week - Puzzle Bobble Plus, also costs 800 points.

Meanwhile DSi owners can now download Sudoku 50! For Beginners, also from Hudson. It features 50 puzzles for just 200 points.

Looking to the future, it seems July will bring with it another Hanabi Festival for Europe, with more Virtual Consoles titles launching never before released in Europe. Hudson have confirmed both Bomberman '94 and Detana!! Twinbee will be included.

What will you be downloading this week?

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