News: Flipnote Studio Releasing This Friday

Posted 12 Aug 2009 at 08:08 by Aaron Clegg
The highly-anticipated Flipnote Studio his headed for PAL DSiWare this week... and it's free!
PAL DSi owners might want to boot up the DSiWare store this Friday, as Nintendo have announced the creative app Flipnote Studio will see a release for absolutely nothing.
Flipnote Studio allows users to create their own flipbook-style animation frame-by-frame. Once you've finished your masterpiece, you can upload your work to the specifically-made online service Flipnote Hatena. From there, you can also download other users' works, edit, rank and comment on them.
The app even allows you to import photos using the DSi's camera to create frames, and also add sound to your animations through the system's built-in mic. Flipnote Studio is arguably the best reason to get into DSi scene right now.
Remember - Flipnote Studio is 100% free, so be sure to get downloading!