News: Florida Vs Manhunt 2 Wii

It was just waiting to happen, Rockstar are still getting free advertising for their products...

Once again politicians show that they know nothing against video games. Florida are now warning people about the Wii version of Manhunt 2 - The PS2 and PSP versions are getting forgotten in this case. However, the odd thing in this case is the Florida Attorney General, Bill McCollum, is stressing more about the importand of parental involvement to "protect" children from the game, which is actually a very good point to make. The press release was just after a letter sent to him by our good friend Jack Thompson

"Florida retailers are scheduled to sell a very violent video game called Manhunt 2 which will be available, remarkably, for "play" on the kids-friendly Nintendo Wii gaming platform. The Wii device does not utilize traditional push button game controllers but instead utilizes hand-held motion capture devices� It is a training device."

We've come to expect this kind of over-the-top comment from Thompson, claiming the game to be a "training device" to train kids to be psychotic killers. Nintendo's response was stating that the game was not developed by them, and that the game is "one of many titles released by third party publishers for our system that appeal to people of all ages and interests.", and state that video games appeal to different audiences, just like TV, movies and books.

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