Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

News: Four Horsemen Again

Again 3DO has announced Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. This must be one hell of a title!

The 3DO Company recently announced that it is collaborating with world-famous fantasy and comic book artist, Simon Bisley, to develop Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse for Personal Computer, PlayStation2 computer entertainment system, Nintendo GameCube, and the Xbox video game system from Microsoft. A dark adventure based on the Biblical tale of Armageddon, Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse combines the expertise of celebrated artists Simon Bisley and Dave DeVries with the distinctive voice talents of Tim Curry (The Hunt for Red October, Charlie's Angels, The Three Musketeers), Lance Henriksen (The Right Stuff, Aliens, Millennium) and cult film star Traci Lords (Melrose Place, Profiler, First Wave). The action games are planned for release in Fall 2003.

"With intense action and beautiful style, Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse combines the abilities of extremely gifted artists, writers, engineers and actors to create a top-notch horror/action game," said Michael Mendheim, vice president and creative director, The 3DO Company. "We're adding a modern, sinister spin on a classic theme, and creating a powerful main character that players will identify with. We're also going all-out with mature content mixed with action and violence of Biblical proportions. This is not your father's video game -- it's more like The Matrix meets Hellraiser."

About Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Set in the present day, the archangel Abaddon faces possessed zealots, demons, and the daunting powers of the personified plagues of Mankind: Pestilence, War, Famine and Death. As Abaddon, the player must find the three "Chosen" and combine their untapped powers in time to save the world from destruction; but that won't be easy -- God's Chosen are mortals, not to mention they're a prostitute, a serial killer and a corrupt politician. Hand-to-hand, sword, and projectile combat combine with fantastic abilities to create a surreal cinematic experience.

The story unfolds via in-game cinematics and "graphic novel" sequences by Simon Bisley -- who is also the title's character designer. These graphic novel images are displayed on-screen complete with animations, voices and sound effects -- bringing Bisley's work to life and immersing the player in the dark underworld of Hell's emissaries.

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