News: Freaky Flyers Release Date

Midway has set a date on which they are planning to release Freaky Flyers in Europe!

Midway Europe announced that Freaky Flyers, the first-and-only, 3-D airplane cart racing-adventure game is scheduled to ship in July for the PlayStation2, the Xbox and of course the Nintendo GameCube.

Freaky Flyers drops players into the cockpit with the most unique and engaging cast of characters to ever explore, adventure, stunt fly and dogfight in the videogame skies. Intertwining stories and engaging aerial combat add to the excitement throughout completely open and interactive 3-D world environments. Adding to the intensity is multiplayer action that allows gamers to do battle head-to-head in aerial racing combat.

"Gamers will be completely immersed in each character's story as they race and engage in stunt flying and aerial dogfighting, while exploring vast environments," said Mike Eglington, Senior Product Manager, Midway Europe.

Expect more on this title at Cube-Europe as it breaks!

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