News: Free Radical & Ubisoft Teaming Up

Ubisoft is teaming up with the Free Radical Design boys to produce an "innovative action blockbuster" for next-gen systems!

Ubisoft has announced it has signed an agreement with Free Radical Design, developer of the acclaimed TimeSplitters series and Second Sight, to develop an all-new action game for next-generation consoles and the PC.

Targeting mature gamers, it will feature difficult strategic choices and moral dilemmas, tapping into both their rational and emotional instincts.

Free Radical Design were formed in 1999 from ex-members of Rare who worked on the amazing Goldeneye for the N64, among other titles. The three games in the studio's TimeSplitters series have earned stellar ratings from some of the industry's most respected sources and have sold around 3.5 million copies.

"Ubisoft is looking forward to working closely with Free Radical, renowned for creating beautiful and engaging gameplay in epics such as the TimeSplitters series," said Virginie Gretz, director of third-party development for EMEA at Ubisoft. "With this game, we plan to take players to a new level of intensity and create an environment at once terrifying, enthralling and impossible to resist."

"We are delighted to benefit from Ubisoft's collaboration on this title and benefit from its strong experience developing and marketing powerful, innovative action titles," stated Steve Ellis, managing director of Free Radical Design.

The currently untitled game will be released sometime during the 2006-2007 financial year. More as it breaks.

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