News: Freedom Fighters

Inside we have info and the first screens of Freedom Fighters, a game from the makers of Hitman 2, for the GameCube!

In a world where the Soviet Union won the Cold War, a fierce conflict is unfolding in the streets of America. Taking on the role of Christopher Stone, players evolve from an average New Yorker into a fearless patriot who recruits and leads an army of freedom fighters in the streets of New York City. Freedom Fighters combines the depth of a squad based game with the intensity of an action-packed war game that unfolds in the streets, subways, and buildings of the city.

Players will fight through the recognizable streets of NY with seamless urban fighting that takes place outside as well as indoors.

Your character and recruits engage the Red army with various types of single and two-handed weapons as well as unarmed combat martial arts maneuvers in their quest for freedom.

Sounds quite action-packed, not? The game is set for a release later this year for the Nintendo GameCube. To see the game in the first five released shots click the image below.

We will have more on this title as it breaks!

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