News: Freeloader delayed 'again'

The notorious Freeloader has apparently been delayed even further.

More shaky news concerning Datel's Freeloader GC. The import-enabling device has been delayed even further, with Code Junkies support suggesting anything from two-three weeks more wait. The news was confirmed in an email sent to Cube Europe reader Wayne Westcott. Here's the hard evidence:

-----Original Message-----
From: wayne.westcott [mailto:wayne.westcott@*******.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 05, 2002 10:25
To: [email protected]
Subject: Freeloader

Hello Good Morning

Could you please confirm the release date for Freeloader is it this Friday 08/11/02.

Wayne Westcott

----- Reply message -----
From: Support
To: wayne.westcott
Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 6:18 PM
Subject: RE: Freeloader

Unfortunately this product is still in development, and our programmers are
estimating it will be another 2 -3 weeks approx.

As soon as it is available those people who have pre-ordered the product from our
website will be the first to receive stock.

If you wish to cancel your order due to this delay, please let us know your order
number so we can track your original details and payment details through our system.

Once again please accept our apologies for the delay in this product.

Very best wishes

Codejunkies Support.

---------------------------End of message------------------------

So there you have it, more delays and order termination as an option for those who have preordered. Cube Europe's support for the Freeloader product has been unparalleled, but recent pushbacks are starting to waive our opinions a little.

I'm sure gamers would respect Datel more if they set a date for the Freeloader release and stuck to it, instead of continuing to delay it. The magic of Freeloader was that you could play import games on your Cube before your mates - now most of these much anticipated titles are available in the UK. Get your act together Datel.

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