News: Friday's WiiWare/DSiWare/VC Releases

Posted 14 Dec 2010 at 22:04 by Aaron Clegg
Capcom's arcade classics bolster out a busyish week for Nintendo's Shop Channels...
The list for this week's download releases for Europe is out, and it's a rather retro-themed Friday, courtesy of Capcom.
Ben 10: Alien Force - The Rise Of Hex (Konami, 1000 Points)
My Fireplace (Korner Entertainment, 500 Points)
Dive: The Medes Islands Secret Demo (Cosmonaut Games, Free)
Art of Balance Demo (Shin'en, Free)
Virtual Console:
Wolf Of The Battlefield: Commando (Virtual Console Arcade, Capcom, 800 Points)
SonSon (Virtual Console Arcade, Capcom, 800 Points)
Divergent Shift (Konami, 800 Points)
101 MiniGolf World (Teyon, 500 Points)
Arc Style: Everyday Football (Arc System Works, 500 Points)
Biorhythm (Cinemax, 200 Points)
The software is due to hit Wii and DSi Shop Channels this Friday.