News: Frobot Coming to WiiWare in 2011

Posted 09 Dec 2010 at 06:25 by Ashley Jones
Frobot will be hustling onto WiiWare in Europe during 2011.
Fugazo is set to release their WiiWare title Frobot in Europe during 2011 according to a recent press release. The title sees the usually loving Frobot taking to the streets to fight when his five "foxy" girlfriends are stolen.
Frobot contains a single player and multiplayer mode, both of which are filled with funky action. Frobot can use special moves such as the Robo Hustle and Jivestalker disco ball in his quest as well as pick up hidden weapons and power-ups.
When it is released next year Frobot will cost 1,000 Wii Points. A demo will be available alongside the American release later this month so hopefully Europe will follow suit.