News: Furry Legends Dev Wary Of LostWinds

Posted 21 Apr 2009 at 13:50 by Tom Phillips
Gamelion Studios, makers of the upcoming WiiWare title Furry Legends, have told N-Europe they are mindful of comparisons to LostWinds...
Back at the beginning of April, we showed off the first trailer and screens of upcoming WiiWare platformer Furry Legends, to many shouts of comparison with WiiWare launch title LostWinds. N-Europe have spoken to Gamelion, the game's developers, and here's what they told us:
"We listen to the community at large. When we have released our first screenshots, all we could read around the net was 'OMGZ, this is LostWinds ripoff, burn!'. So, yeah, that wasn't a very good signal. We went back to the drawing board to figure out when this art style sneaked up on us.
"When you work on something for a long time, you often lose the grasp of the big picture, you become committed to your creation, and you just can't step back and say 'oh shi-- guys, zoom out, I've seen that somewhere..'. So that's what happened.
"But this is a learning project for us, so we scrapped some of the design, remodelled some things and changed the mood. I do recognize the fact that we are still being compared to Lost Winds, but currently we're the second 3D-2D platformer on WiiWare, so that's a given."

Level design from Furry Legends.
Stay tuned for a full interview with the Furry Legends developer, coming very soon.