News: Future Bright For Metroid Prime

Posted 17 Nov 2009 at 14:53 by Aaron Clegg
Always more on the drawing board, says Nintendo...
With a heavily lauded trilogy of main games and two spin-offs, the Metroid Prime sub-series is perhaps the most successful branch of a Nintendo franchise.
But with many of us expecting the series to be laid to rest, Nintendo may have other ideas. Speaking to ONM, Metroid producer Kensuke Tanabe touched on the possibility of more Prime in the future, and specifically whether it would return to DS.
"We are always planning to make new games in the Metroid Prime series. Depending on the timing and the situation, we cannot deny the possibility of realising it on DS or DSi."
Whether we'll see anything in the vein of Hunters again remains to be seen, but it's nice to know that there's always more Prime in the pipeline - even if it is only at an ideas stage.
Would you like to see a return of Metroid Prime. Sound off below...