News: Gaijin Looking Into 3DS, Considering Wii U

The BIT.TRIP studio looks to the future, and talks about the chances of working on Nintendo's next-gen systems...

Best known for developing the sublime BIT.TRIP series on WiiWare, Gaijin Games is looking to expand its business remit for the future. Having spread their development across more platforms than ever, Nintendo fans would wonder whether Gaijin will work on 3DS and Wii U. The studio's Alex Neuse spoke to Revo Gamers about such a topic.

On the subject of Wii U, Neuse stated that the platform interested him as a gamer, but perhaps predictably, conceded that he knew very little about working on it from a developer standpoint. He revealed that working on new platforms had been particularly difficult for Gaijin, and that was why he was "cautious" about committing to the platform right now. Still, the developer is moving into HD development, and Neuse said he would like to see Gaijin's games on Wii U because "it would be better to get it in everything".

On the 3DS front, Gaijin already have some experience on the handheld, having recently compiled all six BIT.TRIP games into the BIT.TRIP SAGA package for retail. As for producing new content for the eShop, Neuse hinted that a number of smaller games in the works could launch on the download service down the line, but said that expanding the studio's current workload would be difficult.

Gaijin are also packaging all six BIT.TRIP games into a retail Wii release titled BIT.TRIP COMPLETE. Both SAGA and COMPLETE are due out in North America next month.

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