News: Gajin Games Acquires Robotube

Posted 24 Feb 2011 at 22:29 by Ashley Jones
Gaijin Games has acquired Robotube but due to this Bloktonik has been cancelled.
Since the WiiWare's launch a few years ago Gajin Games has been one of its biggest supporters and their BIT.TRIP series has just concluded with the release of BIT.TRIP FATE. The company has just announced that it has acquired developers Robotube Games, who developed Bloktonik and Zyrx in the past.
However, it is not all good news unfortunately. Nintendolife has learnt that this acquisition has led to the cancellation of the WiiWare version of Bloktonik. The developers claim that they faced numerous difficulties in making the WiiWare version and it seems it never really got off the ground in the first place.
Hopefully now that they are under Gajin Games' wing they will flourish and provide lots of exciting new games for Wii owners.