News: Galaxy, Metroid & More Get Euro Dates

Posted 25 Feb 2010 at 10:31 by Stephen Thomson
Find out the European release schedule for Mario Galaxy 2, Metroid: Other M, Sin & Punishment, plus free Monster Hunter Tri online confirmed too!
With the Nintendo of Europe media summit conference now over, it's time for some release date goodness. To kick things off, Super Mario Galaxy 2 will be released in Europe on June 11th. Be sure to check out the new trailer!
After months of waiting, Sin and Punishment: Successor Of The Skies will get a European release on May 7th, a month earlier than the release in America. Also, Monster Hunter Tri will be made available on April 23rd, including free online play just like America so you and your fellow hunters can team up for some epic questing right at launch.
With regards to Metroid: Other M, Europe only got a more vague release date - of "Quarter 3" 2010. This is likely due to the insane amount of cut-scenes and text that'll need to be translated for European gamers.
Stay with N-Europe for some hands-on impressions right from the show floor!